Warrior Centric Health is very honored to be invited to speak at KentuckyOne Health as part of their on-going efforts to honor Kentucky Veterans and the men and women currently serving our Nation. The educational session entitled: “Serving Those Who Served: Enhancing Veteran Care in Civilian Systems”, will focus on providing care to the growing Veteran population.
For more detailed information, please click here: http://insidekentuckyonehealth.org/Closing-the-Gap/November-Session/Speaker-Ronald-Steptoe.aspx#.WCpWYukzVdd
Warrior Centric Health, LLC—named by Forbes as one of the Top 25 Veteran-Founded Start-ups in America—is the first accredited eLearning program to address the socio-cultural determinants of health in veterans and their families. Its design equips commercial and non-profit hospitals, medical personnel and staff with the skills necessary for the standard and consistent application of culturally competent methodologies when treating veterans and their families. WCH provides quality education, data science, credentialing, community outreach and market relationship support to improve long-term health outcomes for vulnerable populations.
For more information about Warrior Centric Healthcare Training: Warrior Centric Health, LLC and Warrior Centric Healthcare Training (WCHT).